Monday, July 15, 2013

Small Goals Leads to Increased Motivation

Do You Ever Want to Give Up? Well...Setting Small Goals Can Keep You Motivated.

Many times when setting goals we say "I want abs" or "I want to run a 5k by November", but how are we to go about not only meeting these goals, but staying motivated during the process?

D1 wants you to know that setting small goals every day can keep you motivated throughout your long term fitness journey. How do you begin you ask?

1. Start. 

This may sound obvious, but many people worry about irrelevant obstacles. An irrelevant obstacle can be your fears, what other people might think, or your feelings/mood.

“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice.” - Will Smith

What other people think should not influence YOUR fitness journey. Stop letting other people determine how you will live YOUR life. And feelings are inconsistent. If you FEEL like you don't want to go to work, what do you do? Go to work. Right? You push through the drowsy feeling when you wake up and go to work because you need to. This also applies to fitness training. You many not FEEL like going to the gym or doing your workout, but just go. You will find that you are stronger than you thought. 

2. Set small goals 

Instead of having an overall goal of "getting abs", start by just going to the gym everyday. That's it. Make it to the gym everyday, or what is suitable to your schedule. This will not only keep you encouraged, but will help you succeed at your overall fitness goals. 

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals" - Henry David Thoreau

3. Ask for help

When beginning something new, ask for help. No one knows everything. You may find out new and helpful fitness, nutritional, and goal setting techniques.

4. Do not be hard on yourself

You didn't reach your overall goal? So what? Did you try your hardest? Did you accomplish the majority, if not all, of your small goals? Well then relax. Keep going. No one person is like the other. Your progress is not their progress.

When a baby learns how to walk they always fall. The parents NEVER look at the child and say "look at how much he/she fell", no they say "look he/she is walking". 

D1 hopes this encourages you in your fitness journey. For anyone looking to achieve 

personal, sports, or fitness modeling goals stop by 6150 Old Pineville Road, Charlotte, NC 28217 or call 704.523.2229.

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